The Frozen franchise encompasses movies, TV series, animations, and games. The first movie, "Frozen," tells the story of two princesses, Elsa and Anna, in the kingdom of Arendelle. It explores Elsa's struggle with her ice powers and the bond between the sisters. The sequel, "Frozen II," takes them on a journey to discover the truth about their family and the enchanted forest. In terms of TV series, "Once Upon a Snowman" provides a short animation focusing on Olaf's adventure. Furthermore, there are various animated shorts like "Frozen Fever" and "Olaf's Frozen Adventure." The franchise also extends into games like "Frozen Free Fall" and "Disney Magic Kingdoms," allowing players to engage with the characters and their world. The Frozen franchise enchants audiences with its magical storytelling, memorable characters, and catchy songs, creating a beloved animated universe.
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