The Joker, one of the most iconic villains in comic book history. The "Joker" movie offers a standalone story, exploring the origins and descent into madness of Arthur Fleck, who eventually becomes the Joker. He has made appearances in various Batman-related shows like "Batman: The Animated Series" and "Gotham," showcasing his chaotic nature and complex relationship with the Dark Knight. In terms of animation, the Joker has been prominently featured in multiple animated series, including "Justice League Unlimited" and "Batman: The Brave and the Bold," highlighting his cunning schemes and dark humor. Furthermore, the Joker has appeared in numerous video games such as the "Batman: Arkham" series and "Injustice: Gods Among Us," allowing players to embody the Joker's unpredictable nature and engage in battles against superheroes. Known for his maniacal laughter, twisted mind, and penchant for chaos, the Joker remains an enduring and captivating character across different forms of media, leaving an indelible mark on the world of comics and pop culture.
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