Venom is a fictional character and anti-hero in the Marvel Universe.The Venom movie, released in 2018, stars Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock, who becomes the host for the symbiotic alien Venom. The film explores their unlikely partnership and their battle against a powerful corporation. In terms of TV series, "Spider-Man: The Animated Series" showcased Venom as one of the main antagonists, while "The Spectacular Spider-Man" depicted his origins. Venom has also appeared in several animated shows and movies, such as "Ultimate Spider-Man," "Marvel's Spider-Man," and "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse". Additionally, Venom has been featured in various video games, including the popular "Spider-Man" game for PlayStation 4. Overall, Venom has become an iconic character, known for his complex nature, unique powers, and intriguing storylines across multiple forms of media.
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