The Power Rangers franchise, known for its colorful team of superheroes, has spanned across various forms of media. The Power Rangers movies, such as "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie" and the 2017 reboot, bring the beloved characters to the big screen in action-packed adventures against formidable villains. The TV series, starting with "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers," showcases different generations of Rangers battling evil forces through their unique powers and Zords. In terms of animation, Power Rangers have been featured in numerous animated series, including "Power Rangers Samurai" and "Power Rangers Dino Fury," highlighting their teamwork and epic battles. Additionally, Power Rangers have inspired a wide range of video games, enabling players to control their favorite Rangers, unleash special abilities, and take on enemies. With its core themes of teamwork, friendship, and fighting for justice, the Power Rangers franchise continues to captivate audiences of all ages, leaving a lasting impact on the world of superhero entertainment.
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