The Winter Soldier series encompasses movies, TV shows, animations, and games. In terms of movies, "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" is the first installment, delving into the story of Steve Rogers and his friend Bucky Barnes, unraveling a complex plot involving government conspiracies and hidden identities. Following that, "Captain America: Civil War" continues the Winter Soldier storyline along with conflicts involving other superheroes. As for TV series, "The Falcon and The Winter Soldier" is a significant branch, focusing on Sam Wilson taking up the mantle of Captain America and teaming up with Bucky Barnes. Winter Soldier has also appeared in multiple Marvel animated series such as "Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes" and "Avengers Assemble," expanding on his character and story. Additionally, Winter Soldier features in games like "Marvel: Future Fight," providing players the opportunity to experience his role. Overall, the Winter Soldier series captivates viewers with intense battles, intricate plots, and character development, delivering an exciting world of superheroes.
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